Secret Chinese temple found in Laem Sing February 26, 2011 / By juzhax / Leam Sing, Maps, Photos, Temple, Tha Mai / 1 minute of reading This is those Chinese word can be found in the temple. Thai people call it Wat San Chao. 獅山古廟 [mappress mapid=”1″] 本德英靈佑黎庶 頭公顯赫保子民 萬古千秋 天地父母 頭公廣隆赫保萬民 本德宏門美昭世渾 回避 肅靜 Share this:FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppTags: Chinese Templelaem singLeam SingtempleWat San Chao回避天地父母本德宏門美昭世渾本德英靈佑黎庶獅山古廟肅靜萬古千秋頭公廣隆赫保萬民頭公顯赫保子民