Isan sausage
Isan Pork Sausage ( Side Grog Isan )
This is also called Sour Isan Sausage ( Nam Side Gorg ) , because it’s left a few days to sour in the fridge, but that stage is optional! The sausage is a pork sausage, padded with sticky rice. The sticky rice needs to be soft, to get a softer consistency you can soak the pre-steamed rice in water for 5 minutes.
ISO 360 f/2 1/60sec
ISO 500 f/2 1/60sec
ISO 220 f/2 1/60sec
ISO 800 f/2 1/60sec
ISO 360 f/2 1/60sec
ISO 320 f/2 1/60sec
ISO 360 f/2 1/60sec
ISO 110 f/2 1/60sec
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