wpid5193 DSC5987

Thamai Chinese Temple Festival 2011 Part I

Thamai Chinese Temple Festival 2011 Part I

They do have the festival every year in the Thamai, in front of the Chinese Temple. Here is the older days Chinese Temple Festival during 2009. There are many Thamai famous foods selling in this festival.

Thamai Chinese Temple Festival 2011 Part II

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ISO 6400 f/5.6 1/125sec

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ISO 640 f/2 1/60sec

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ISO 640 f/2 1/60sec

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ISO 1400 f/2 1/60sec

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ISO 220 f/2 1/60sec

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ISO 2000 f/1.8 1/80sec

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ISO 2000 f/1.8 1/80sec

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ISO 720 f/2 1/60sec

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ISO 1400 f/2 1/60sec

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ISO 720 f/2 1/60sec

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ISO 250 f/2 1/60sec

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ISO 2500 f/2 1/60sec

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ISO 500 f/2 1/60sec

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ISO 2000 f/2 1/60sec

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ISO 1600 f/2 1/60sec

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ISO 400 f/2 1/60sec

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ISO 320 f/2 1/60sec

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ISO 125 f/2 1/60sec

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ISO 100 f/2 1/80sec

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ISO 400 f/2 1/60sec

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ISO 1000 f/2 1/60sec


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