wpid5620 DSC4926

Vegetables and Fruits in the Market

Vegetables and Fruits in the Market

Those vegetables and fruits selling inexpensive in this market, Chanthaburi. They purchase from Bangkok dairy and directly selling to this market. I guess some them you never taste in your life before.

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ISO 100 f/2 1/200sec

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ISO 100 f/2 1/160sec

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ISO 100 f/2 1/400sec

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ISO 100 f/2 1/200sec

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ISO 100 f/2 1/200sec

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ISO 100 f/2 1/160sec

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ISO 100 f/2 1/320sec

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ISO 100 f/2 1/160sec

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ISO 100 f/2 1/200sec

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ISO 100 f/2 1/800sec

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ISO 100 f/2 1/800sec


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