wpid6158 DSC6249

Loy Krathong Festival in Laem Sadet 2011 Part I

Loy Krathong Festival in Laem Sadet 2011 Part I

They celebrate Loy Krathong Festival in here every year in December.

Laem Sadet is a beach that near to Chaolao Beach.

[mappress mapid=”154″]

wpid6147 DSC6245

Making Krathong
ISO 2000 f/2 1/60sec

wpid6114 DSC6197

Farang with two bicycles
ISO 1400 f/2 1/60sec

wpid6116 DSC6198

ISO 900 f/2 1/60sec

wpid6119 DSC6199

Food Stall
ISO 640 f/2 1/60sec

wpid6123 DSC6201

ISO 2800 f/2 1/60sec

wpid6128 DSC6206

Dad Love
ISO 1600 f/2 1/60sec

wpid6132 DSC6242

Floating bed. ( Net Bed )
ISO 2500 f/2 1/60sec

wpid6135 DSC6243

Making Krathong
ISO 2500 f/2 1/60sec

wpid6141 DSC6244

Making Krathong
ISO 2500 f/2 1/60sec


wpid6152 DSC6246

Many people walking around here.
ISO 500 f/2 1/60sec

wpid6156 DSC6248

Selling Krathong and foods.
ISO 2200 f/2 1/60sec

wpid6158 DSC6249

The kid is going to buy some firework to play beside the beach.
ISO 800 f/2 1/60sec


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