wpid6401 DSC6377

Snap foods in JP Chanthaburi

Snap foods in JP Chanthaburi


wpid6392 DSC6371

10 Baht per pack.
ISO 100 f/2 1/100sec

wpid6396 DSC6372

Roasted Pork
ISO 110 f/2 1/80sec

wpid6401 DSC6377

Fried Fishes
ISO 140 f/2 1/80sec

wpid6403 DSC6379

Mango with sticky rice.
ISO 100 f/2 1/125sec

wpid6405 DSC6380

Ba Tang Goh
ISO 100 f/2 1/100sec

wpid6407 DSC6381

Som Tam
ISO 140 f/2 1/80sec


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