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Welcome to Bang Saen Beach Chonburi

Welcome to Bang Saen Beach Chonburi

Bang Saen is a town that is famous throughout Thailand. It is the closest pleasant beach getaway spot from Bangkok as well as any provinces north of Chonburi. Most visitors typical come from provinces to the north and northeast of Chonburi. It is much closer, cheaper and less hassle free than Hua Hin’s Beaches or Pattaya’s Beaches.

Bang Saen is a sleepy town during the weekdays. The town is a host to a major university, Burapha University. During the day, most of the people you will see are students from the university. On the weekends, travellers, families or groups of friends, come from surrounding areas or other provinces in Thailand to spend a day at the beach.

Nearly all of the visitors to Bang Saen are Thai. There are foreign tourists all year round, though they are small in number. There is a Scandinavian Village in Bang Saen. There are probably around 200-300 Scandinavians living there. Throughout Bang Saen though, there are 100-200 foreigners

For this reason, many menus and shop names have bilingual writings.

There are few services in English, but maybe 10-20% of people speak at least basic English. However higher professional people generally always speak English well. But nearly everyone will try to help you if you speak directly to them. Don’t be afraid to talk to anyone to get some help, if they can’t help you they might find someone who can speak English for you. In a town like Bang Saen, it’s very normal to approach anybody for help. All of the restaurants in the shopping centre, Laem Thong, have bilingual (Thai-English) menus. Nearly all of the restaurants along the beach have English menus.

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