wpid6051 DSC5899

Rice Glue Ball in Thamai Night Street

Rice Glue Ball in Thamai Night Street

Rice Glue Ball

The old women sell rice glue ball in Thamai for many years ago, it is the only one rice glue ball stall in Thamai during at night. The rice glue ball is making from sago and flour, then with sweet syrup and coconut milk. You can add egg for it too.

wpid6043 DSC5894

Rice Glue Ball Stall
ISO 450 f/2 1/60sec

wpid6045 DSC5895

Boiled floating Eggs
ISO 125 f/2 1/60sec

wpid6047 DSC5896

ISO 110 f/2 1/60sec

wpid6049 DSC5898

Rice Glue Ball
ISO 2500 f/2 1/60sec

wpid6051 DSC5899

Colorful rice glue ball with coconut
ISO 2500 f/2 1/60sec


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