wpid5831 DSC5802

Seafood in Market Phraya Trang Road

Seafood in Market Phraya Trang Road

You can find out many kind of fresh seafood in this market. Fish eggs, salted fish, freshwater fish, ocean fish, shrimp, crab or fresh squid can be found in here.

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Fish Roe
ISO 125 f/2 1/60sec


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Salted Mackerel

ISO 160 f/2 1/60sec

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ISO 400 f/2 1/60sec

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Sliced Fresh water Fish

ISO 450 f/2 1/60sec

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ISO 450 f/2 1/60sec

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ISO 220 f/2 1/60sec

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Insect food

ISO 450 f/2 1/60sec

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Fish head

ISO 100 f/2 1/80sec


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