wpid5468 DSC4821

Fresh Fruit in Chanthaburi

Fresh Fruit in Chanthaburi

This fruit shop sell grade A fruit in Chanthaburi. The price is selling higher in normal market but the grade is the best in Chanthaburi.
The fruit shop open until mid-night 2-3am everynight, that’s why you can buy fruit any time in Chanthaburi.

[mappress mapid=”138″]

wpid5468 DSC4821

Chanthaburi Fruit Shop
ISO 640 f/2 1/60sec
wpid5456 DSC4807

Rose Apple
ISO 360 f/2 1/60sec
wpid5474 DSC4805

Many kind of fruits
ISO 125 f/2 1/60sec

wpid5455 DSC4806

ISO 900 f/2 1/60sec


wpid5457 DSC4808

ISO 560 f/2 1/60sec

wpid5458 DSC4809

ISO 110 f/2 1/60sec

wpid5459 DSC4810

ISO 180 f/2 1/60sec

wpid5460 DSC4811

Grape Fruit / Pomelo
ISO 400 f/2 1/60sec

wpid5461 DSC4812

ISO 400 f/2 1/60sec

wpid5462 DSC4813

Grape Fruit
ISO 180 f/2 1/60sec

wpid5463 DSC4814

ISO 320 f/2 1/60sec

wpid5464 DSC4815

Thailand Orange
ISO 320 f/2 1/60sec

wpid5465 DSC4818

ISO 450 f/2 1/60sec

wpid5466 DSC4819

Emperor Banana
ISO 900 f/2 1/60sec

wpid5467 DSC4820

Cavendish Banana
ISO 250 f/2 1/60sec


wpid5469 DSC4822
ISO 320 f/2 1/60sec

wpid5470 DSC4847

ISO 900 f/2 1/60sec


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