wpid7151 DSC7525

Market in Chanthaburi 2011 Dec

Market in Chanthaburi 2011 Dec

[mappress mapid=”149″]

wpid7151 DSC7525
ISO 1100 f/2.8 1/30sec

wpid7149 DSC7524

Most important herb to make Tom Yam Soup
ISO 1600 f/2.8 1/30sec


wpid7153 DSC7526

Bananas in low price
ISO 640 f/2.8 1/30sec

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Another type of Bananas
ISO 400 f/2.8 1/30sec

wpid7157 DSC7528

Many kinds of things that you need for daily food.
ISO 400 f/2.8 1/30sec

wpid7160 DSC7534

Dogs are allowed in to the market.
ISO 1600 f/2.8 1/50sec

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Biggest shoe
ISO 1000 f/2.8 1/50sec

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ISO 500 f/2.8 1/50sec

wpid7165 DSC7538

In the Market
ISO 720 f/2.8 1/30sec


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